Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts, Cyprus Car Museum, Günsel Art Museum, Walled City Museum and Herbarium and Natural History Museum will be open to the public free of charge until the end of December.
Mayor of Tatlısu Hayri Orçan; “It is proud to see the museums we envy in Europe in our own country”
Near East University Directorate of Museums established
Free Entrance to Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts, Cyprus Car Museum, Günsel Art Museum and Herbarium Museum has been extended until the end of September
Doğru Çizgi (Right Line) Education and Study Center kids visited the Cyprus Car Museum located in the Near East University Campus Museum District
From the 20th of July until the end of August, visits to all museums comprising the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts, Cyprus Car Museum, Günsel Art Museum and Herbarium Museum are free of charge
Announced to Cyprus Car Museum Visitors!
Visiting Museums of the Near East University During Museums Week Free-of-Charge…